Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Small Pieces

Hey there people!

In the same spirit of catching up and writing about the things I worked recently (I just noticed I didn't made a single post in the whole month of July), this post describes some small developments that I've made to improve the Interactions Application (See this post).

To be honest, the protein interaction application app is getting more and more interesting, at least for me :-) and for the look of things for  my supervisor as well. We had a brainstorm meeting about a month ago, and from there a whole set of requirements for this app has been documented. Mmm.. documented might be a little to formal... the document is just a page with ideas in no particular order, and I've been working on it based on a combination of two factors: coolness and estimate time of development. I think everybody prefer something cool and simple, than something massive and with low visual/usability impact!

Let's start by a new component I developed, a frame to display the features of a particular entity, and in our app we are talking about proteins and it interactions. In previous versions of the app, there was not way for the user to get extra information about the protein or about its interactions. This is nothing new, there are dozens of pop-up windows, fully configurable and even for jquery, but I also though that it wasn't one for biojs, and if the idea is to reuse all this parts in the framework that I'm gonna create, I've better start to keep this developments under the same library, which, by the way will be a future technical post about implementing the interaction frame as a BioJs Component.

I started by creating a static HTML with its CSS to define the look of the frame, see screenshot above. A simplified version of the HTML is below this text, and basically is a DIV element with a header and a list as content. The rest is CSS magic to make it look nice. Click here to see the static example.

<div class="protein">
  <header class="protein-label">P64747</header>
 <li class="protein-description"><h2>Uncharacterized protein Rv0893c/MT0917</h2></li>
 <li><b>%GC: </b>60.63</li>
 <li><b>Location: </b>Unknown</li>

Obviously this is interesting only if the features are loaded dynamically, and that's when this as a BioJs component is useful. So the component has a constructor method that creates the skeleton of the frame, and activates 2 optional features: to be able to minimize, and to be draggable. I used Jquery UI for these functionalities, and thats why this component has it as dependency. If you wanna check the code you can go to the repository. But also you can play with it in this link and see it in a simple demo, or you can always go to the Interactions app, and see it working in a real environment, and there you will see some of the thing I'll chat in future posts.

All right, this post was a short one.. but better that way... dont wanna start mixing oranges and apples, and actually that leaves me material to talk about it in a next post.

Chau gente!

Monday, 13 August 2012

Back into interacting!

WOW, is been a while!!

I'm the first one to be sorry of no having post recently. I've been busy with the paper I mentioned before and is going to get publish pretty soon! :-) Also, the things I have worked on recently are more improvements than anything else and all around the Interaction Viewer(See this post), so I had the feeling it wasn't enough for a post, however now that i checked there are several things I have to talk about, so this might be a long post, or to be split in several. So let's stop of excuses...

First thing I did was to add the Ruler Component (See previous post) into the Interactions Viewer . The initial step is to define the rules for the component, this has to be in a JSON format. Here the rules defined then:

rules: {
  "location": [ ],
  "action": ["Highlight", "Show", "Hide", "Color" ],
  "target": [ {
   "name": "Proteins",
   "conditions": [ {
    "name": "interactions with",
    "type": "selects",
    "amount": 1,
    "values": [ ]
   }, {
    "name": "number of interactions",
    "type": "numeric_comparison"
   }, {
    "name": "accession number",
    "type": "text_comparison"
   } ]
  }, {
   "name": "Interactions",
   "conditions": [ {
    "name": "protein",
    "type": "selects",
    "amount": 1,
    "values": [ ]
   }, {
    "name": "proteins",
    "type": "selects",
    "amount": 2,
    "values": [ ]
   }, {
    "name": "score",
    "type": "numeric_comparison"
   }, {
    "name": "type of evidence",
    "type": "selects",
    "amount": 1,
    "values": [ 
  } ]

As you might noticed some of the values are empty arrays, those will be populated once a Solr response is obtained. What I'm trying to say is, if a rule requires a set of protein to select from, that field is dynamically filled with the proteins presented in the graphic.

The Ruler component triggers events when a rule is added, removed or re-ordered. Is then the interactions app, who applies the existing rules into the graphic, so all this events are going to call the same function:
self.ruler.onRuleCreated(function( objEvent ) {
self.ruler.onRuleRemoved(function( objEvent ) {
self.ruler.onOrderChanged(function( objEvent ) {

The actions defined in the rules where completely related with displaying options: Show, Hide, Highlight and Color. So my strategy for the applyRules method was to create selectors that operate over the interactions graphic(SVG) to filter the elements that pass certain rule, and then operate the respective action on all of them. The full method is rather long so I wont put the whole thing here (You can check it in the repository), instead here are some important snippets of that code.

The method start by getting the active rules and restarting the graphic to get ride of any previous display changes cause by old rules. Then it loops trough the active rules and built the string selector depending on each case. The only rule evaluated in the following code is Proteins Interacting with a specific protein. The selector is an string containing all the IDs of the nodes that represent proteins interacting with the one selected by the user. This is quite easy because when displaying the graphic, a structure with this info was created: self.graph.interactionsA.

applyRules: function(){
 var self =this;
 var rules = self.manager.widgets["ruler"].ruler.getActiveRules();
 var model = self.manager.widgets["ruler"].rules;
 //Reseting the graph 
 self.graph.vis.selectAll("circle").attr("visibility", 'visible').attr("class", 'node').style("stroke","#fff");
 self.graph.vis.selectAll("line").attr("visibility", 'visible').attr("class", 'link').style("stroke","#999");
 var selector ="";
 for (var i=0;i<rules.length;i++){
  selector ="";
  var rule=rules[i];
  if ([0].name){ //Proteins
   switch (rule.condition){
    case[0].conditions[0].name: // interactions with
     for (var j=0;j<self.graph.interactionsA[rule.parameters[0]].length;j++){
      selector +="[id =node_"+self.graph.interactionsA[rule.parameters[0]][j].name+"],";
     selector = selector.substring(0, selector.length-1);

If for example i had 3 proteins in my graphic: p1, p2 and p3. And assuming there are interaction between all of them, a rule like Proteins Interacting with a P1 would generate a selector string like [id =node_p2],[id =node_p3]. All the missing logic in this code deals with the creation of the selector for all the combinations for the defined rules. Some of the generated selectors are explicitly listing the id nodes, such as in this first case, and in other cases the selector uses some wildcards to select several nodes with a simpler string.

Once the selector is created an action is executed with it, so for instance if the action is to highlight, the code self.graph.highlight(selector); is invoked. And that method in the interactions component is defined as:

  highlight: function(selector){
   var self=this;
   self.vis.selectAll(selector).style("stroke", '#3d6');

I decided that actions won't really change the color of the node, but instead the color of the border, this with the purpose of conserving the color that relates a protein with the queried protein.

And all that, to be able to display an interaction like this:

All the nteractions of the proteins O05300 and Q7D8M9, highlighting the proteins interacting with O05300.
You can play with all the rules in the live version of this app at And you might notice a lot of other details that I haven't talked here yet, but that's material for a next post. Promise to do it quicker than this time!

Chau Gente!